ISSN 1335-8715

06-12-2008   Lukáš Krivošík   Rozhovory   verzia pre tlač

Sean Gabb: „Potrebujeme novú hranicu“

Hovorí si britský libertarián. Začiatkom 90. rokov radil premiérovi Jánovi Čarnogurskému pri ekonomickej reforme, a tak spoznal Slovensko. Myslí si, že kresťanskí demokrati nerozumejú slobodným trhom a že naša civilizácia potrebuje na uchovanie slobody niečo ako objav novej Ameriky. Sean Gabb.

Reakcia na príspevok

RE: citat lavicarov
autor: Rogue Keeper
pridané: 09-12-2008 17:11

Svoj vyrok Property is Theft v No Gods, No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism, komentoval takto :

"In my first memorandum, in a frontal assault upon the established order, I said things like, Property is theft! The intention was to lodge a protest, to highlight, so to speak, the inanity of our institutions. At the time, that was my sole concern. Also, in the memorandum in which I demonstrated that startling proposition using simple arithmetic, I took care to speak out against any communist conclusion. In the System of Economic Contradictions, having recalled and confirmed my initial formula, I added another quite contrary one rooted in considerations of quite another order – a formula that could neither destroy the first proposition nor be demolished by it: Property is freedom. In respect of property, as of all economic factors, harm and abuse cannot be dissevered from the good, any more than debit can from asset in double-entry book-keeping. The one necessarily spawns the other. To seek to do away with the abuses of property, is to destroy the thing itself; just as the striking of a debit from an account is tantamount to striking it from the credit record."

Nie je ziadne tajomstvo ze na stare kolena zlavil zo svojho anarchizmu a priklonil sa k minarchizmu, ale zeby sa nejako "horowitzovsky" poprel a obratil na etatizmus to sa neda povedat. A "What is property?" uz ani neprekonal. A nakoniec "property is theft" bola aj jedna z veci kvoli ktorej sa rozkmotril s Marxom.

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