ISSN 1335-8715

06-12-2008   Lukáš Krivošík   Rozhovory   verzia pre tlač

Sean Gabb: „Potrebujeme novú hranicu“

Hovorí si britský libertarián. Začiatkom 90. rokov radil premiérovi Jánovi Čarnogurskému pri ekonomickej reforme, a tak spoznal Slovensko. Myslí si, že kresťanskí demokrati nerozumejú slobodným trhom a že naša civilizácia potrebuje na uchovanie slobody niečo ako objav novej Ameriky. Sean Gabb.

Reakcia na príspevok

RE: citat lavicarov
autor: Firstborn
pridané: 09-12-2008 16:54

tot daco z tej Zeldinovej knihy o Francii, 1848-1945, kapitola The Genius in Politics, o Proudhonovi:

The pointed out the weaknesses of the society of his day far more than he offered alternatives to it. In any case, the people, he claimed, had no wish for utopias. He epitomised the scepticism of the Paris frondeur, the eternal critic.
His world was a pluralistic one, in which truth had several faces, and in which the problem was to enable inevitable differences to coexist side by side.
Justice he defined as mutual respect for other people's dignity, which meant that men should have dealings with each other only on a basis of strict reciprocity: in this way there would be no more oppression.
What Proudhon cared for most was social equality. He believed, it is true, that, given education and equal opportunity, men would become increasingly equal intellectually, but he did not demand equal pay, only that every man should receive the whole of what his labour was worth. Nor did he extend his demand for equality to women(...)Woman's place, he said, should be in the home.

He was deeply influenced by biblical ideas, by the Napoleonic Code, by the scraps of Roman law he had picked up(...)

Women, he argued, were inferior to men on all counts, they must find their fulfilment in chaste marriage and their pleasure in obedience to their husbands. Proudhon was a puritan. Adultery he considered the greatest cause of decay of modern society. Sexual intercourse should be reserved for procreation. The father's power should be 'almost unlimited' in his family. Family life he regarded as the basis of dignity and he never considered that it might be an obstacle to liberty.

After a family, where he was complete master, a self-respecting man MUST HAVE PROPERTY. Proudhon made his name by proclaiming that 'Property is theft', but in fact he had no wish to abolish property. All he meant was that landlords who did no work themselves were guilty of stealing, because profit obtained without labour was theft.

zas az tak revolucne to neznie :-)

este dodam ze ocividne z Proudhona si vela ludi bralo selektivne rozne veci, az dokonca tak, ze ovocim snah o spolupracu Action Francaise, co bolo neoroyalisticke hnutie propagujuce 'socialnu a narodnu monarchiu' a revolucnych syndikalistov pred I.svetovou vojnou vo Francuzsku bol medzi inym aj 'Cercle Proudhon', a ludia ktori sa na nom podielali sa neskor stali prvymi francuzskymi fasistami (myslim teraz Georgea Valoisa a Edouarda Bertha). Celkom zaujimave.

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