ISSN 1335-8715

21-05-2005   Lukáš Krivošík   EUtópia   verzia pre tlač

"Die Kapitalismusdebatte"

V Nemecku sa v týchto týždňoch vedie zásadná debata o povahe trhovej ekonomiky. Ak sa to vôbec dá nazvať debatou. Predstavitelia hlavných strán sa totiž hlavne predbiehajú v tom, kto povie väčšiu hlúposť o "sprisahaní nadnárodného kapitálu".

Reakcia na príspevok

RE: die Debatte...
autor: PeterS
pridané: 26-05-2005 0:19

Ta co?
V Amerike nesikovnych ako u nas. A to sa ich este za posledne roky (zjavne Bushove) kopec znesikovnilo. Zdrojom je us census bureau.

Mily Peto, je cas vyrazit do US evangelizovat nesikovnych. Alebo, nebude to v niecom inom?

V skratke:
V roku 2003 na cca 290 mil. zilo 35,9 mil. v chudobe, 20% najchudobnejsich rodinam stagnoval rast prijmu 3,4% v roku 2003 oproti 3,5% v roku 2002. Prah chudoby pre jednu osobu je cca 10.000 USD/a

Celkovy median prijmu rodin od roku 1967 bol 30%!!! To je celkom zaujimave cislo. To ta emerika nie je velke terno, narast prijmu o 30% za 40 rokov, to je zrele na emigraciu.

No a na zaver, 45 mil. ludi je bez zdravotneho poistenia.

Boze, to je nesikovnikov na jednej kope. Preco nieco nerobia?

The official poverty rate in 2003 was 12.5 percent, up from 12.1 percent in 2002.

In 2003, 35.9 million people were in poverty, up 1.3 million from 2002.

Poverty rates remained unchanged for Hispanics, non-Hispanic Whites, and Blacks, although it rose for Whites and Asians./1

For children under 18 years old, both the poverty rate and the number in poverty rose between 2002 and 2003, from 16.7 percent to 17.6 percent, and from 12.1 million to 12.9 million, respectively. The poverty rate of children under 18 remained higher than that of 18-to-64 years olds and that of seniors aged 65 and over (10.8 percent and 10.2 percent, respectively, both unchanged from 2002).

The poverty rate in 2003 (12.5 percent) is 9.9 percentage points lower than in 1959, the first year for which poverty estimates are available. From the most recent trough in 2000, both the number and rate have risen for three consecutive years, from 31.6 million and 11.3 percent in 2000, to 35.9 million and 12.5 percent in 2003.

Real median household money income did not change from 2002 to 2003.

The overall Gini index of income inequality showed no change in 2003 from the year before. On the other hand, the share of aggregate income received by the lowest 20 percent of households had a slight reduction – from 3.5 percent to 3.4 percent.

Chart 3 provides an historical perspective on median household income. As I noted earlier, 2003 median money income for all households was unchanged from the year before, at about $43,300. This finding of no change follows two years of decline that reflected the effect of the recession that began in March 2001 and ended in November 2001. Overall, real median household money income is up 30 percent since 1967, the first year median household money income was computed.

Based on a comparison of two-year moving averages for states (Chart 11), real median household income rose for four states and decreased for ten. Also using a comparison of two-year moving averages, the poverty rate rose in seven states and fell in two. One state had an increase in income and a decline in poverty – North Dakota – while three states had both a decrease in income and an increase in poverty – Illinois, North Carolina, and Texas.

The number of people with health insurance increased by 1.0 million to 243.3 million between 2002 and 2003, and the number without such coverage rose by 1.4 million to 45.0 million. The percentage of the nation’s population without coverage grew from 15.2 percent in 2002 to 15.6 percent in 2003.

As defined by the Office of Management and Budget and updated for inflation using the Consumer Price Index, the average poverty threshold for a family of four in 2003 was $18,810; for a family of three, $14,680; for a family of two, $12,015; and for unrelated individuals, $9,393.
GDP: (prvy stlpec s aktualnym dolarom, druhy s fixovanym dolarom k roku 2000. Pouziva sa druhy stlpec)
2000q1 4,7 1,0
2000q2 8,3 6,4
2000q3 1,6 -0,5
2000q4 3,8 2,1
2001q1 2,8 -0,5
2001q2 4,4 1,2
2001q3 0,2 -1,4
2001q4 3,6 1,6
2002q1 4,5 3,4
2002q2 4,2 2,4
2002q3 3,9 2,6
2002q4 2,7 0,7
2003q1 4,9 1,9
2003q2 5,3 4,1
2003q3 8,8 7,4
2003q4 5,7 4,2
2004q1 7,4 4,5
2004q2 6,6 3,3
2004q3 5,5 4,0
2004q4 6,2 3,8
2005q1 6,4 3,1

College - odhad pre rok 2005
Public 12,786,000
Private 3,893,000
Spolu cca 16,5 mil. ... z 296 mil. to je 5,6%

V roku 2003 poberalo podporu v nezamestnanosti 40,2% osob z celkovo nezamestnanych.

Robotnici s penzijnym planom v roku 2002 - 41,9%

Viac tabuliek na

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