ISSN 1335-8715

07-07-2006   Roman Joch   Kultúrna vojna   verzia pre tlač


Roman Joch, riaditeľ Občanského institutu v Prahe je autorom dvoch textov, ktoré vynikajú svojou priezračnou logikou i spôsobom argumentácie. Článok Gentleman a demokracie predstavuje a vyzdvihuje dnes už takmer zabudnutý mužský ideál. V článku Proč nejsem socialistou zase autor vysvetľuje absurdnosť a protispoločenský charakter všetkých odnoží socializmu. V kontexte nastupujúcej nacionálno-socialistickej garnitúry, ktorú k moci dosadil zlovoľný a závistlivý lumpenproletariát považujeme oba články za výsostne aktuálne.

Reakcia na príspevok

RE: este cosi k solidarite
autor: D
pridané: 14-07-2006 12:11

Co zahrna pojem europa? Ak celu, tak uz to je minimalne neeadekvatne. Uz je len problem, co sa kde zahrna pod pojem charita, specialne v USA(ake typy organizacii), takze ten dotaz na zroj resp. metodiku je na mieste.,,1331549,00.htm...

40% of people 'could double charity donations'

David Callaghan
Thursday October 14, 2004

Four in 10 people could afford to double the amount they give to charitable causes, a survey concludes today.
The Charities Aid Foundation research found that more than half of the population would give more to their favourite charity if it urgently needed extra funds. But if they had £20 extra to spend they would probably spend it on a meal out, smoking or drinking.

The average household spends three times as much on tobacco and more than three times on alcohol compared with the amount they give to charity, the survey revealed.

Nearly half (44%) of the least well-off said they would be prepared to give the cash to charity, but only 28% of wealthy people would do so.

The survey results were released on the eve of CAF's "national giving week", which is taking place next week. CAF, which is a charity itself, encourages charity donations from the public.

When people were asked which activity they could spend less on in order to give to charity, socialising was the most popular option, followed by going to the cinema, saving for holidays and sweets and chocolate.

Only 5% of people said they would cut down on smoking, but 37% said they thought other people could do so.

CAF survey findings
Weekly household expenditure
Eating out £30.50
Culture £17.20
Package holidays £12.70
Other recreation £10.00
Personal care £8.70
Newspaper/books £6.60
Alcohol £5.90
Tobacco £5.40
Accommodation services £5.00
Recreation items £1.80
Charity £1.70

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