ISSN 1335-8715

01-09-2008   Peter Jedlička   Kultúrna vojna   verzia pre tlač

Nietzsche, R. I. P.

„Nietzsche je mŕtvy.“ Boh. Vtipné otočenie Nietzscheho výroku o smrti Boha sa vďaka nápisom na rôznych múroch stalo veľmi známym. Nietzsche bol jedným z prvých prorokov ohlasujúcich nástup sekularizácie, čiže zmenšovania vplyvu náboženstva na spoločnosť. Význam náboženstva mal s vývojom spoločnosti upadať, až kým spoločnosť nedospeje do modernej, úplne sekularizovanej fázy. Predpoveď sa však nenapĺňa a sekularizmus prekvapivo čelí novým výzvam. Nápisy na múroch prestali byť iba slovnou hračkou.

Reakcia na príspevok

RE: Chybne tvrdenie
autor: Peter Jedlicka
pridané: 04-09-2008 17:36

Pri pisani tej vety som mal na mysli starsiu studiu, ktoru spomina Rodney Stark:

"The most extensive evidence on the religious views of scientists comes from a massive survey of more than 60,000 professors (approximately one fourth of all the college faculty in America) conducted in 1969 by the Carnegie Commission. The survey centered on academic issues and political-social attitudes, but also included questions like: “How religious do you consider yourself?” “How often do you attend religious services?” “What is your present religion?” and “Do you consider yourself religiously conservative?”

The table above summarizes responses from scientists in various fields. Two rather striking findings challenge claims about the incompatibility of religion and science. First, levels of religiosity are relatively high. A majority of hard scientists think of themselves as deeply or moderately religious--only among social scientists (45 percent) is this a minority response. Nor do scientists restrict themselves to tepid faiths--close to four out of ten faculty members in the hard sciences characterized themselves as “religiously conservative.” Moreover, scientists attend church at the same level of regularity as the general population--47 percent of mathematicians and statisticians reported attending services two or three times a month or more, as did 43 percent of physical scientists and 42 percent of professors in the life sciences.

The second striking finding is that social scientists are substantially less religious than those in harder sciences. This sheds a great deal of light on why it is so widely believed that religion and science are incompatible--after all, most of twentieth-century literature on this topic was written by social scientists."

Nerobil som si resers novych studii, je mozne, ze sa medzicasom statistika zmenila a medzi prirodnymi vedcami je viac ateistov ako medzi socialnymi. Odhadoval by som ale, ze je viac neveriacich biologov ako fyzikov a matematikov. Biologia je teraz v takom stave ako fyzika pred objavenim kvantovej fyziky a Velkeho tresku.

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