ISSN 1335-8715

10-09-2007   Marián Šarkőzy   Ideológia   verzia pre tlač

Kľúč k totalitarizmu

Postmoderne a slovensky signifikantným pokusom definovať totalitarizmus je „Diablova práca“ Tomáša Zálešáka. Zálešák totiž naznačuje, že už samotnou definíciou totalitarizmu by sme sa stali totalitnými mysliteľmi.

Reakcia na príspevok

prehnity kapitalizmus
autor: Firstborn
pridané: 19-09-2007 13:51

toto je krasne napisane ... zdroj :

There was a time when the advocates of socialism argued that it would lead man to material abundance, whereas free-market capitalism would lead only to increasing misery and would ultimately collapse under its own internal stresses. You don't hear that too much these days, and for good reason. A century of empirical evidence has shown the contrary - that the free market leads to increasing wealth and material freedom, while socialism leads us only to poverty, state supremacy, and ultimately, mass murder.

These days the attack has shifted. Capitalism does not lead us to poverty; it leads us to too much wealth. This makes us "greedy" and "materialistic." It leads us to excessive "consumerism."

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