ISSN 1335-8715

29-04-2007   Lukáš Krivošík   Slobodný trh   verzia pre tlač

Odkaz Miltona Friedmana pre Slovensko

Keď Milton Friedman v roku 1947 spoluzakladal s hŕstkou ďalších Montpélerinskú spoločnosť, zrejme ani v najodvážnejších snoch nedúfal, že sa v nasledujúcom polstoročí premení vo vnímaní verejnosti z „výstredného akademického extrémistu“ na súčasť mainstreamu. A že ho dokonca vlastný syn David raz bude kritizovať sprava.

Reakcia na príspevok

RE: Doplnenie
autor: Firstborn
pridané: 01-05-2007 23:21

ja to sem pastnem este raz, ked uz je tu takato diskusia

In the modern Occident power was, and still is, the prerogative of men of action - landowners, soldiers, businessmen, industrialists and their hangers-on. The intellectual is treated as a poor relation and has to pick up the crumbs. He usually ekes out a living by teaching, journalism or some white-collar job. Even when his excellence as a writer, artist, scientist, or educator is generally recognized and rewarded, he does not feel himself one of the elite.

The intellectual's passionate search for an acknowledged status and a role of social usefulness has been a ferment in the Occident since the days of the Renaissance. He has pioneered every upheaval from the Reformation to the latest nationalist or socialist movement.

nechce sa mi to dalej vypisovat..ale hovori sa tam dalej ze aj nacionalizmus bol najprv pretlacany ( pioneered ) basnikmi, ucencami a historikmi. A ze intelektuali su neschopni udrzat si veduce pozicie v takychto novych rezimoch. Preto sa vacsina presunula k socializmu ako svojej dalsej nadeji.

A este tento kusok je zaujimavy:

America has been running its complex economy and governmental machinery, and has been satisfying most of its cultural needs without the aid of the typical intellectual. Nowhere has the intellectual so little say in the management of affairs.
It is natural, therefore, that the intellectuals outside of the USA should see in the spread of americanization a threat not only to their influence but to their very existence.

Eric Hoffer, "The Ordeal of Change"

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