ISSN 1335-8715

27-12-2006   Tomáš Krištofóry   Slobodný trh   verzia pre tlač

#12 – Ďalší dôvod mať rád Chicago

Je známy fakt, že Chicagská škola (Faculty of economics of the University of Chicago) je najlepším ekonomickým pracoviskom na svete. Pôsobilo tam najviac nositeľov Nobelovej ceny za ekonómiu, napríklad nedávno zosnulý Milton Friedman, ďalej Gary Becker, F. A. Hayek, George Stigler, Ronald Coase... Nedávny príchod Petra Bondru do tímu Chicaga Blackhawks je dalším, iste však nie posledným dôvodom mať rád Chicago.

Reakcia na príspevok

Kto je Keynes?
autor: Rogue Keeper
pridané: 28-12-2006 15:32

"Kto je John Maynard Keynes?"

"Keynes, John Maynard, 1st Baron Keynes of Tilton (1883-1946), British economist.

Keynes was born in Cambridge, and educated at Eton College and the University of Cambridge. He began his career in the India Office of the British government and wrote a highly regarded book, Indian Currency and Finance (1913). During World War I he worked in the Treasury, which he represented at the Paris Peace Conference (1919). Opposed to the economic terms of the Treaty of Versailles, he resigned his position and wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), in which he correctly predicted that the staggering reparations levied against Germany would goad that country into economic nationalism and a resurgence of militarism. During the next decade he made a fortune from speculation in international currencies, taught at Cambridge, and wrote Treatise on Probability (1921), a mathematical work, and A Treatise on Money (1930). In the latter, he sought to explain why an economy operates so unevenly, with frequent business cycles of booms and depressions. Like other treatments of the subject, his work failed to explain the problem of prolonged depression, a phenomenon that did not conform to the then generally accepted notion that recessions were self-correcting. It was then felt that during recessions savings would accumulate, causing interest rates to fall, and would thereby encourage business to invest and the economy to expand. Keynes closely examined the problem of prolonged depression in his major work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936). This book, which provided a theoretical defence for programmes that were already being tried in Great Britain and by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, proposed that no self-correcting mechanism to lift an economy out of a depression existed. It stated that unused savings prolonged economic stagnation and that business investment was spurred by new inventions, new markets, and other influences not related to the interest rate on savings. Since business investment necessarily fluctuated, it could not be depended on to maintain a high level of employment and a steady flow of income through the economy. Keynes proposed that government spending must compensate for insufficient business investment in times of recession.

Shortly after Great Britain entered World War II, Keynes published How to Pay for the War (1940), in which he urged that a portion of every wage earner's pay should automatically be invested in government bonds. In 1942 he was made a baron, and two years later he headed the British delegation to the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, the Bretton Woods Conference. There he promoted establishment of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund.

Keynes's ideas have profoundly influenced the economic policies of many governments since World War II, creating the school of economics known as Keynesianism, and many consider his General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money one of the most significant theoretical works of the 20th century.

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Tak toto je John Maynard Keynes. A kto je Tomáš Krištofóry, píšúci samé fóry? Pravdepodobne nejaký neznámy ekonomický diletant.

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