ISSN 1335-8715

27-01-2005   Lukáš Krivošík   Kultúrna vojna   verzia pre tlač

Interrupcie a klasický liberalizmus

Interrupcie sú téma, ktorej sa klasickí liberáli (na rozdiel od ľavicovo-liberálnych fanatikov) zväčša vyhýbajú. Keď sa ich spýtate na názor, na ich tvári sa objaví rozpačitý výraz a oni zúfalo hľadajú nejakú náhradnú, zväčša ekonomickú tému, o ktorej by sa s vami mohli baviť. Prečo to tak je?

Reakcia na príspevok

autor: Jano
pridané: 30-01-2005 22:50

Našiel som na nete Thatcherovej postoj k tejto téme z jej autobiografie The Path to Power (1995). Ona totiž v morálnych otázkach zastávala dosť liberálne názory, čo je na konzervatívca trochu neobvyklé. Celkom zaujímavý pohľad človeka, ktorý o tom priamo rozhodoval:

"As regards abortion, homosexuality, and divorce reform it is easy to see that matters did not turn out as was intended. For most of us in Parliament - and certainly me - the thinking underlying these changes was that they dealt with anomalies or unfairnesses which occurred in a minority of instances, or that they removed uncertainties in the law itself. Or else they were.intended to recognize in law what was in any case occurring in fact. Instead, it could be argued that they have paved the way towards a more callous, selfish and irresponsible society. Reforming the law on abortion was primarily intended to stop young women being forced to have back-street abortions. It was not meant to make abortion. simply another ,choice'. Yet in spite of the universal availability of artificial contraception the figures for abortions have kept on rising. Homosexual activists have moved from seeking a right of privacy to demanding social approval for the 'gay' lifestyle, equal status with the heterosexual family and even the legal right to exploit the sexual uncertainty of adolescents. Divorce law reform has contributed to - though it is by no means the only cause of - a very large increase in the incidence of marriage breakdown which has left so many children growing up without the continual care and guidance of two parents."

"Knowing how matters have turned out, would I have voted differently on any of these measures? I now see that we viewed them too narrowly. As a lawyer and indeed as a politician who believed so strongly in the rule of law, I felt that the prime considerations were that the law should be enforceable and its application fair to those who might run foul of it. But laws also have a symbolic significance: they are signposts to the way society is developing - and the way legislators of society envisage that it should develop. Moreover, taking all of the 'liberal' reforms of the 1960s together they amount to more than their individual parts, They came to be seen as providing a radically new framework within which the younger generation would be expected to behave."

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