ISSN 1335-8715

08-05-2008   redakcia   Rôzne   verzia pre tlač

Pozvánka na seminár: Mosty z chudoby

Vo štvrtok, 22. mája 2008 sa v Bratislave uskutoční seminár americkej sociologičky Ruby Payne pod názvom Mosty z chudoby. Čitatelia Pravého Spektra sú na túto akciu srdečne pozvaní.

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off topic
autor: Firstborn
pridané: 08-05-2008 15:35

Explaining to the Grand Kids

Those of us who are optimists believe that someday sanity
will return to our society. Our media, our officials—perhaps
even our schools and colleges—will begin to talk sense.
Those of you who are young may live to see it.
But there is a down side to sanity. Once there is a whole
generation raised to think—to examine evidence and use
logic—you are going to be confronted with a need to
explain to your grandchildren how our generation could
have done the things we did. You don’t want your grand
kids to think that your whole generation was crazy.

“Grandpa,” they will say, “today we were reading in


“Yes, Grandpa. There’s a subject in school called

“Well, we didn’t have that back in my day. We had social
studies or current events or multiculturalism. But we didn’t
have this thing you call history.”

“Well, history is about what happened in the past,
Grandpa—like back when you were young.”

“I’ll be darned.”

“Anyway, we learned in history today that back in your
times, people who refused to work were supported by
people who did work. Is that true, Grandpa?”

“Well, yes, we were compassionate to the poor and the
downtrodden, like the homeless and such.”

“Why were people homeless, Grandpa?”

“They didn’t have enough money to buy houses or rent

“Were you homeless, Grandpa?”

“No. I had a regular job and used part of my salary to
pay the rent.”

“Why didn’t the homeless do that?”

“Well, it is hard to explain. They had a different kind of
lifestyle, they sort of dropped out of society. They lived a
more laid back kind of way.”

“Took drugs?”

“Yeah, drugs, alcohol, stuff like that."

“And you gave them money that you had worked for,

“Well, not so much personally, but I paid taxes and the
government gave money to the homeless, provided places
for them to sleep, and so forth.”

“But you voted for the government, Grandpa.”

“Yeah, most of the time.”

“If the voters didn’t want their money spent this way, the
elected officials wouldn’t have done it.”

“You sure do a lot of thinking things out, honey.”

“That’s called logic. They teach that in school too.”

“Logic? I heard something about it vaguely, but we
didn’t have time for it in school when I was young. We had
to express our feelings about things like trees and animal rights and being non-judgmental.”

“You weren’t supposed to have judgment, Grandpa?”

“Well, if you were judgmental, that might hurt someone
else’s self-esteem.”

“So you couldn’t tell the homeless to go get a job like
you had, because it would hurt their self-esteem?”

“Exactly. It would be cultural imperialism—and that
would be wrong because one culture is just as good as

“But, Grandpa, in our history class we learned that
people from all over the world were trying desperately to get
into the United States—some paying to get smuggled in
from Mexico or Asia, some trying to cross the Caribbean in leaky boats and drowning.”

“Why, yes, that happened.”

“But, if all cultures were equal, why were these people
risking their lives trying to go from one culture to another?”

“I never really thought about that, honey. Gee, they must be working you pretty hard in school, to have you doing all this thinking.”

“Aren’t people supposed to think, Grandpa?”

“I suppose it’s all right for those who like it. I don’t want to be judgmental.”

celkom zaujimave
autor: Firstborn
pridané: 08-05-2008 15:38

ked si dam len zobrazit prispevok, tak su apostrofy rozsypane jak das, ale ked dam reagovat na prispevok tak su ok ...weird stuff, really.
RE: celkom zaujimave
autor: Ondrej
pridané: 11-05-2008 22:52

Najskor sa mi to nezdalo, ale fakt mas pravdu. Vdaka za tuto analyzu, opravim to, aby to bolo dobre v oboch pripadoch.
Slovensky hokej
autor: Czechtek
pridané: 08-05-2008 22:03

Ked sa zacne hovorit o slovenskom hokeji, v prvom rade treba povedat, ze vsetci to dojebali az na pana STBaka Sirokeho. Dojebal to Bondra, dojebali ti hokejisti z NHL co neprisli, dojebal to trener, dojebali to hokejisti co prisli atd.

Dzurinda zo Statnym podlplacali rozhodcov aby piskali proti nam atd. A ako toto vsetko mal ten nas chudak STBak Siroky ustrazit? No urcite sa na neho nemozeme hnevat, ba co viac treba ho podporovat aby odstranil vsetkych hracov a funkcionarov v modrych dresoch.

Cesta do C. skupiny bude tazka, ale taku si narod vybral, nech po si po nej ide!!

Jebnuty narod nas
autor: Czechtek
pridané: 08-05-2008 22:05

dedictvo komousov si straz!!

Na ztraz sudruhovia a cest praci.

RE: Slovensky hokej
autor: greenwood
pridané: 09-05-2008 13:50

To všetci nejak moc prežívajú.. Čo sa hokeja týka, beriem to tak, že sme technicky fakt zle odohrali jeden zápas, to s tými Nemcami, netreba ešte vyhlasovať štátny smútok.

Na druhej strane, keby sme fakt vypadli, čo je nepravdepodobné, ale nie nereálne, bola by to obrovská príležitosť vydrbať všetky tieto staré kádre a povešať ich na kandelábre - ak sú Slováci v niečom dobrí, tak je to entuziazmus, s akým dokážu prezývať svoju nasratosť, a tu by z nej mohlo vzísť aj niečo dobré (aj keď naposledy z nej vzišiel Fico).

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